Wednesday, 26 September 2012

24th Sept Drawing Exercise

Today we were given a drawing task. On 12x12 pieces of paper we were to interpret 15 sentences, and respond with black and white drawing media. I tried to stick to under 5 minutes for each square.

A hard glossy surface meets a soft black edge
A pinprick of white surrounded by an expanse of black
Hard lines that are broken on their journey
50 dots that have a soft edge collecting at an edge
A knitted line across the surface
A surface that is almost covered in dots and dashes
A big black cross on a very white surface
Very small dots that are regimented over the surface
A surface that is stitched all over
A hairy patch in the middle of the surface
2 black spots on another black background
A twisted line which cuts the surface in half
An undulating line walking over the surface
A pair of marks which appear and disappear

I found the exercise got me to loosen up whilst trying not to over think the sentences and just draw. Some took more thought than others and some didn't turn out as good as I wanted but overall I enjoyed the exercise.

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