year I have acquired a range of new skills, a new way of working and a whole
new way of thinking. The first term was difficult for me and I found it hard to
meet people. I may have benefited from more timetabled workshops to get to know
my group. I enjoyed learning specific
skills in machine embroidery and the fast pace motivated me. I took this style
of working onto the next unit. I did not produce much for the Journey project.
I was focusing so much on how to do it all the “right” way that I over thought the project.
clicked over Christmas and I realised that there is no “right” way of doing
things and I can literally do whatever I wanted. I went onto Construct for the Data
unit and with my new way of thinking I felt really free and independent. I started working very
abstract as to not get caught in the mind set I was in the last unit. I worked
with photography and paint to record the movements of hundreds and thousands. This
style really suited me and provided great qualities and colours to transfer
into my weave and knit samples. I loved learning to weave and knit. They are
both extremely hands on and time consuming but also very rewarding.
has been a really valuable skill I have learnt this year. During the first unit
I found it really difficult to get going in the mornings and would often not
come in to the studio. I didn't feel inspired. I was waiting to be inspired by
the tutors but I now know I need to inspire myself and the motivation comes
after that. By the second unit I found myself getting in early and staying late
most days because I felt so inspired to get on with the project.

enjoyed working conceptually in the last unit and I want to push my work
further in a Fine Art approach to textiles. I feel the course is very design focused and
this has left me a little confused but I feel Embroidery will be most suitable
for my personal development.