Monday, 13 May 2013

Morph Suits!!!!

Last week Kerry, Vicky, Katie and I all worked together to do some filming for Kerry to exhibit. The idea was that we all took it in turns to be filmed wearing the morph suit and doing our practice. We chose the morph suit as Kerry had been doing some experimentation with it for her theme of masks and being hidden. We used the same room Vicky and I had been working in as it was empty again and used the torch to combine the idea of light and shadow. Kerry filmed me wrapping myself in tape to distort my body. The shadow created looks amazing, like the Michelin Man!! Which is just the effect I wanted. Katie did some hand sewing, adding to her final piece. And Vicky did her tongue twister. 
It's a weird feeling in the suit. It kind of makes you feel invincible. Maybe because you know people can't see your face, you have no fear! 
I can't believe I wore the suit! At the start of this project there is no way I could have done that. I don't think another outfit exists that's so revieling other than being naked. It just shows how this project has helped me over come some of my own fears to do with my body. 
The filming went really well. It was nice to do one last thing as a group, and we had fun too. Kerry has been editing the footage over the weekend so I can't wait to see it.

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