Sunday, 24 November 2013

Intentions Unit Evaluation

I have thoroughly enjoyed this project. I have learnt so much about myself and my way of working. I am really pleased with my outcomes and feel I have really pushed myself to try new things. Looking back on my work I think the project has been driven by my stitch research. I have questioned stitch and what it means and feel this way of thinking has pushed me to risk take and experiment. I have pushed new materials to really understand their capabilities and had fun at the same time. I have gained confidence in my drawing by breaking down barriers such as wanting it to look perfect. I now have a more free and expressive approach which is so much more enjoyable. Drawing regularly in the last few weeks of the project really has helped me in understanding my work and developing my ideas. I think using found materials is something I want to continue with. It allowed me to be more experimental and expressive in my approach as I was not precious with them because they were free. I think routine and structure is very important in my way of working. I found that the days I came in around 9am and left at 5pm were far more productive than the days I came in at lunch and then forced myself to stay late out of guilt. Pacing myself is also important. I think maybe I wore myself out after the first three weeks which could have contributed to my lack of creativity in the middle of the project. When you have a really long day it is counterproductive, as the next day you are so tired that you don't work very well. So sticking to working hours I think help me to stay motivated. I have also come up with things to do in future projects when I have an off week, so to keep my mind working when I am not feeling so creative. I still can't quite believe that my context has ended up as architecture but feel excited to explore this further as I really enjoyed creating my visualisations. I have really developed my practice and am looking forward to applying the things I have learnt in the next project.

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