Monday 9 January 2012

Life Drawing September-December 2011

I am really pleased with this!!! Using the same techniques as previous but warm tones for the subject and cool tones for the space.
This is my first lifedrawing using paint done 7th December. I used cool tones for the subject and warm tones for the space.
Another attempt with charcoal using a rubber this time taking into account the surrounding space.
A collage background was applied first trying to create the simple shapes of the model, then pen used to add detail and emulsion for highlights.
This was done using collage in November. I tried to capture the light, dark and mid tones.
12th October. Here I applied a charcoal background and worked into it with a rubber.
This was done with emulsion using a piece of card.
Second attempt.
This is my first life drawing from September done with a continuous line.