Sunday 27 April 2014

College 3- Blue Sky Thinking: The Unconference

The "Unconference" was our first session of Unit X. It was good to meet some new people and generally chat about "stuff". The idea of an "Unconference" is that there is no set agenda for discussion, and instead we decide the agenda as a group by coming up with a set of questions.
It was a little awkward at first trying to think of questions but we ended up with the following which all sparked some interesting discussion between us and worked as a good ice breaker.

1. What is Blue Sky Thinking?
2. What are the consequences of Blue Sky Thinking?
3. Can thing change through creativity?
4. In todays world, what is more important, the process or the outcome?
5. Where is the line between "head" thinking and "physical" thinking?
6. Is idealism and creative forward thinking a luxury only some can afford?
7. Where is the boundary between the human body and technology?

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