Thursday, 16 January 2014

Locating Brief

For this project we are required to write our own brief as it is a self-directed project. I am keen to continue researching some of the themes and ideas from the Intentions brief such as pattern, repetition, rhythm and symmetry. I am also going to bare architecture in mind as a potential context, but will not restrict myself to this alone. We have been given several live briefs to choose from, either to work on separately or in conjunction with our personal project. I have chosen the Urban Outfitters brief (Jewellery) because I feel this will push me to work outside of my comfort zone as the final outcome is a product. I would like to learn how to work in this design driven way having an end product/design in mind. I will research Urban Outfitters to get an idea of their target audience as well as their current products. Initially I will combine the two projects but if at any point feel the direction of the two is different then I will work on them separately. 

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