Monday 19 May 2014

Group Meeting 28th April

This was our first group meeting after the Easter break, and the first time everyone attended. I was a little nervous as I hadn't done much work other than research and was starting to get worried after seeing the timetable. I also couldn't see with the things we had discussed so far, how we could start "making". Its so easy to talk about ideas and concepts, but how do we translate that to practical work?

We discussed:
-What is our concept? Dandelion seems to be good direction, negative to positive, change perceptions
-Manifesto- need to come with one as a group
-Viewing the city differently- experiment with mirrors, view finders- Cat and Lucy enthusiastic about this.
-Using design that already exists
-Focus on residents of Manchester- encourage to take pride in their city
-Recycling workshop- Aine was keen to develop a workshop to engage with the public which is a really good idea. We talked about encouraging the public to bring along something unwanted and the workshop would show them how to make it into something useful, changing the value we place in junk, turning negative to postive. I suggested narrowing it down to one object such as a bottle as common thing to have- this was a great opportunity to share the finding form exercise with the interactive arts students so we can get to know each others approaches and it will be good to see their approch to social engagement as it is something I don't have too much experience of.

I felt a little overwhelmed by the end of the meeting as a lot was discussed and specific plans were made to be getting on with things such as social media, branding etc. but I felt a little confused on what I could be getting on with. There are a lot of big characters in the group and until we know each other better it is sometimes difficult to get a word in if you feel a little shy. But I'm sure everything will smooth out once we get to know each other better.

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