Tuesday 20 May 2014

The Presentation

The presentation went really well. We used an unconventional approach which I think worked perfectly with the nature of our festival. We used the exhibition layout to guide the presentation, and each element flowed into the next. Natalie did a great job of escorting them round, and introducing each aspect. She was really professional and confident and I'm so glad we had her. I presented the inspiration wall, the locations, map and the dandelion pesto. I was very nervous at first and kept forgetting to breath, but I got better at it by the end. I had prepared some more that morning, but this time with more basil than dandelion leaves, and it was really nice. I served them next to crackers for people to help themselves, after a little encouragement.  It sparked lots of conversation which I think ultimately was the aim. The animation put smiles on everyone's faces too.The response from the visitors was really positive and they really like the food and drink aspect and mentioned us getting involved in the Dig The City Festival. Kim and Lucy's filters were really popular as were Cats mirror attachments. It was so good to see all our work come together, all so different, but all clearly one project. The presentation was really good experience and hopefully I wont be so nervous next time. Laura and Claire's examples of merchandise and interiors for the festival looked great.

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