Tuesday 20 May 2014

Skin Exhibition at Penthouse NQ

Before Easter I saw a poster asking for submissions to an exhibition called Skin. It brought an old project to mind from 1st year so over the Easter break I revisited it and developed 7 seven pieces to submit. They were all photos, some edited on Photoshop and some layered using acetate, and one painting. The show was curated by Milk Teeth collective made up of four 3rd year Film Making students. It was great to meet some knew people and exciting to exhibit in my first show outside of university.

My personal statement:

"Distorting the Distorted’ challenges social ideals of perfection through the medium of photography. I am interested in the unrealistic social expectations of beauty and appearance as I believe this has a serious effect on the way in which we view our own bodies. Perfection is sold as an attainable ideal that we can buy into. My work looks at different aspects of distortion and exposes personal fears by exploring the subconscious mind's warped view of the body. By physically and visually manipulating the human form I draw parallels between my own distorted view and society’s depiction of perfection."

Me and my work

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