Wednesday 21 May 2014

Unit X Evaluation

Unit X has been a brilliant experience. I have learnt new skills through collaborating with the group and pushing myself to try new things. I am really pleased I ended up working with Interactive Arts students. Their approach is very different to that of textiles. I feel that the have and idea and just do it, and it is that attitude I want to take forward to next. When I have an idea just do it, and then if it works great, if it doesn't I will learn something new. I feel I could have gained more from the experience if I had made the effort before Easter to get to know new faces on a personal level, by maybe going out for a drink. I feel this would have helped in the more difficult situations when discussing things and making decisions and people are more willing when you can be relaxed. I feel that at times when I would suggest doing something, the reaction was a little stand offish, as it can be seen as a criticism as it implies they did not think of it or forgot etc. We worked together well in the end, and the results are something I am really proud of, and we have all been for that drink since the pressure has been lifted.
I really enjoyed collaborating with Annie. You never know, when you are friend with someone if you will work well together, but we really do. I think because we don't tip toe around each other, we can just say what we think and we produce good work because of it. If we felt shy to speak up, we wouldn't be happy with the end results. We bounce ideas really well and have talked about collaborating in the future, possibly another animation, or visualisation layouts.
I took on a lot for this project, some things I ended up dropping, such as the promotional film. I felt a little out of my depth with the time frame, as I didn't want to churn something out for the sake of it, but Lucy took on the role and did a really great job. I really pushed my self when working on the animation, and I have learnt so much from the process. This is definitely something I am interested in pushing newt year, I think it will bring a nice variety to my work, exploring something to compliment my sampling. Creating the map at first was overwhelming, as I wanted it to be accurate, and wasn't sure how to tackle it. But I just went with the way I thought would work and I am really pleased the outcome. I developed my Photoshop skills along the way too.
The presentation and exhibition are huge achievements and I am so proud of the group. Having to talk about the work in a clear concise fashion is something I will continue to develop as I think it is a great skill to have.
Next year I will remember how much I can achieve in a short amount of time, and use this to motivate me. Anything is possible.

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