Tuesday 20 May 2014

Making the Map

I went on an adventure round Manchester searching for good locations for the pop up spaces and a possible rough route. I saw so much of city centre I hadn't seen before and it's really filled in some grey areas in my mind of what leads to where. I think I am close to saying I know the city centre like the back of my hand.
When trying to decide the best way to make the map I just kept reminding myself I am a textiles student not a map maker, so this is my take on how to make a map.
 I mapped my route out on a running website that allows you to draw on the map. I then printed it off large scale and traced over the roads I wanted to include. I then mapped out the lines with masking tape on an even bigger scale and coloured over the top with graphite so when I removed the tape it left a nice thick white line. I scanned this in and isolated the white and layered it over a scan of grey card. Initially I was going to keep the graphite background, but I saw the grey card and just thought the texture was so interesting, and I am really interested in celebrating raw materials. I am really pleased that my process was part physical part digital as it has given a lovely quality to the map. You can even see the white crinkle slightly. I used Claire's design to mark the checkpoints for the pop up spaces and designed all the other elements. My Photoshop skills have really improved during this task and I am keen to develop them further. I used a simple colour palette and included the canal and river as to bring them to peoples attention and encourage them to explore them.
I really enjoyed making this and it's nice to have a finished outcome from my hard work.

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