Tuesday 20 May 2014

Making the Animantion

This was such a successful day. Annie and I had booked the daylight studio to photograph the animation but decided we would be better off somewhere else so that there isn't as much pressure.. We set up camp on the top floor of the Benzie building and got to work. We also decided we were finishing the whole thing in a day as there is no time to take longer with so much to do. We took a while to set up and get the frame right, remembering once the camera was set up we could not move it. We kept getting hands in the shots at first but after a while we found a good rhythm and really got the hang of it. Its hard to remember, the more shots the better, and I think you can even see our development from start to finish, as by the end of the film it is much smoother. We made it really playful, almost giving the ingredients characters. Annie and work very well together. We are comfortable to tell each other if we disagree, or think it could could better another way, which is essential in group work. We even found our own roles with in the task, with Annie moving the objects and me checking the shots and almost directing the movements. 

We then edited it the same day, working until kicking out time. Neither of us had used IMovie before so it was a real learning curve. We saved it wrong though so had to re do it the next morning which was more than frustrating, but at least we will never do that again. We added music the next week. We chose a song that was light hearted and playful. We also had to Photoshop text in which took forever, adding it to each individual photo.  

Overall it was an amazing process, we learnt so much, and it's great to have a finished product to show for all our hard work. We have talked about making more animations in the future, possibly food themed but who knows. A friend who is part of a film collective called Filmonik based in federation house has suggested sending it in for there next screening in June.

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